Sunday, March 15, 2009

To: Participants and Organizing commitees of Rehlah 08/09 Air Terjun Sg Pancing


Pertama kali, saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua classmate yg dtg ke Air Terjun Pancing utk Rehlah Kelas utk tahun ni. Walaupun, hujan lebat tapi saya sgt kagum dgn kecekalan dan semangat kawan-kawan especially during treasure hunt. Mula-mula kami dari side committee dah risau kalau korang dah tak nak continue main sbb hujan. Tapi semasa saya menjaga checkpoint, saya nampak korang masih mahu meneruskan game.

Secondly, I would like to thank all the committees and those who were directly and indirectly involved in the process of making the event. Thanks also to those who contibute their creative ideas for the games.

Now, I would like to thank my fellow committee members for their hardwork and dedication in making this annual rehlah to become possible and joyful. To the main thinking hat: the PM (Yob) and his assistant (Jaja), the people who managed the finance (Bunif, Pipah), the people who arranged the event: the PCs (Saifudin, Hajar), the people who fixed up games for us to enjoy: SportnRec (Apai, Ain), the people who provide necessary things: Prep n Tech (Qayyum, Cieybah), the people who make us possible to move from UIA to Pancing: Transport (Cinox, Khadijah). To my fellow commitee member of Special task, Lutfi. To Len and Bai for their ideas and willingness to accompany me and Ciey while preparing things for Rehlah.

To the chief chef (Matmin), his sous chef (Mahani), the kitchen assistants, the onions choppers, the chicken cutters, the people who cooked the rice and those who helped to prepare the barbeque for providing us with delicious and mouth-watering food.

Finally, others that I failed to mention here who contributed their time and energy in making this rehlah successful. A billion thanks to all of you.

Sesiape yg ade amik gambar sile2 la upload utk dikongsi bersame.


Ruzmayuddin said...

salam sume,
first, nk ucap thanx bnyk kt sume comitte,
tanpa korng program ni xkn berjaye,
b hnst, best sngt2 keje ngn korng sume,insyaAllah dipnjngkn umur, kte dpt bekerja same2 lg,

kpd participants,
thanx sbb sudi dtng n bg full kerjasame kt rehlah ni,
korng mmg best sngt2,
insyaAllah, semoge kte akan sentiase jd family besar yg sentiase faham memahami n bekerjasame,

dcni,sy mewakili sume cmtte,
nk mnta maaf klu ade terlebih n terkurang,basah kuyup tngh hujan,
tp sedarlah, kte hanyalah manusia yg mampu merancang, selebihnya Allah swt yg menentukan,
semoge sume usahe kte yg ikhlas, akn mendapat ganjaran yg setimpal dr Allah swt,

gud luck final exam!

Anonymous said...

yey! rehlah bes! rehlah bes! yey!-pipahensem

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wuuuuu weeeee

Anonymous said...

=..( xjd plak gamba aku joget tuh -pipahensem

IIUM Pharmacy 6th Batch said...

pipahensem, ko blm jd contributor lg ni..nk jadi x?bg email kt bel,suruh dia invite.

Anonymous said...

ni sape? amende tu wei? -pipahensem