The Kulliyyah of Pharmacy accepted its first 45 students in June, 2002. The first batch (45 students) successfully graduated in 2006, 46 students graduated in 2007 and 52 in 2008. Current final year students (supposedly graduated in 2009) are 52, 3rd year (2010) 52, 2nd year (our batch) 87 students, 1st year 72 students. At present, the pharmacy program shares and utilises facilities already available at the Kulliyyah of Medicine building. The new building of Kulliyyah of Pharmacy is expected to finish soon at the Indera Mahkota Campus.
These are some latest photos of the new building of Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, IIUM which were taken on 27.12.2008 around 7am-730am by using DSLR Nikon D60 (kit lense 18-55mm).
Unfortunately,no photos from the inside view are available since I am afraid of entering the builing due to some logical reasons manipulated in my mind at that time. I thought that if something bad happened to me (let say if the building collapses – try to imagine the similar situation as Higland Tower collapsed, straying inside the building then I have to sleep there while waiting for the rescuer, something from the top falls down to me that can cause me injury or die suddenly), meet the ‘strangers’ inside the building and so on, then I have to be responsible for myself. There might be at least one advantage and one disadvantage for every our action. Each of us are responsible for our action. If we do a good thing, we will be regarded by Allah. Let us pray to Allah for his blessing of our entire life. In all matter, we should keep in mind that for everthing action occurred this life, there must be the cause and effect….
More photos are here (our batch flickr)
uuuiihh..gempaknye bangunan kte!!
Ini baru U..
XX 2008 - 52 druggist
cantik bangunan pharmacy, jeles nih..
klu ambil foto progress nye tiap2 minggu, etc daripada spot yang sama mesti interesting bile dah siap nanti kan? Bole jual kat uia =p
tq ayi.dah betulkan dh. Da lame btlkan tp xreply ur comment, xingt.hee..
shafiq rahman, ex-src if I’m not mistaken. very proud to see u visit us..insyaallah bila dah siap akan ada lagi photo.tq for the suggestion
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