Thursday, April 28, 2011
Salam, psl flow perlantikan PRP. Baru jumpa td, kak syarina ckp benda yg sama mcm saya post kt blog sebelum ni.
1.Tunggu dpt result 4/5/2011 nnti.
2.KOP akan hantar semua2 borang berkaitan kpd SPA, KKM & Pharm. Board (kita akan follow up diorg jgk nnti)
3.Tunggu offer drpd SPA (surat akan sampai kt rumah masing2).
4.Tunggu offer drpd KKM (surat akan sampai kt rumah jgk). Kata k.syarina surat KKM lambat sket, better students sendiri yg contact KKM.
5.Uruskan dokumen2 yg berkaitan & lapor diri.
Clearance semua kene buat in order to graduate officially from IIUM, clearance juga penting utk convocation nnti. Yang xdpt dtg sbb jauh@ada hal yg xdpt dielakkan, boleh contact One Stop Centre (OSC). Clearance form kena amik kat OSC, bukannya KOP. nnti 1 salinan kena bg kt KOP. Psl clearance nnti sy update blk lps dpt result.
p/s- pesan k.syarina, insyaAllah xde masalah psl offer kerja PRP except for those yg reseat/repeat. Utk elakkan mslh, yg reseat/repeat blh contact direct dgn SPA, KKM & PBM.
1.Tunggu dpt result 4/5/2011 nnti.
2.KOP akan hantar semua2 borang berkaitan kpd SPA, KKM & Pharm. Board (kita akan follow up diorg jgk nnti)
3.Tunggu offer drpd SPA (surat akan sampai kt rumah masing2).
4.Tunggu offer drpd KKM (surat akan sampai kt rumah jgk). Kata k.syarina surat KKM lambat sket, better students sendiri yg contact KKM.
5.Uruskan dokumen2 yg berkaitan & lapor diri.
Clearance semua kene buat in order to graduate officially from IIUM, clearance juga penting utk convocation nnti. Yang xdpt dtg sbb jauh@ada hal yg xdpt dielakkan, boleh contact One Stop Centre (OSC). Clearance form kena amik kat OSC, bukannya KOP. nnti 1 salinan kena bg kt KOP. Psl clearance nnti sy update blk lps dpt result.
p/s- pesan k.syarina, insyaAllah xde masalah psl offer kerja PRP except for those yg reseat/repeat. Utk elakkan mslh, yg reseat/repeat blh contact direct dgn SPA, KKM & PBM.
Reseat DD & other subjects
br jmpa kak syarina PA Dr. Che Su (Academic), katanya tarikh utk reseat DD @ subjek2 lain belum keluar lg. Nnti K.Syarina akan call those yg reseat, insyaAllah.
br jmpa kak syarina PA Dr. Che Su (Academic), katanya tarikh utk reseat DD @ subjek2 lain belum keluar lg. Nnti K.Syarina akan call those yg reseat, insyaAllah.
IIUM Alumni Pharmacy
Blog IIUM Alumni Pharmacy (ALPHA)-
Do Like Group Facebook ALPHA! -
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Bahagian Yang Bertanggungjawab
Urusan Pendaftaran, temu duga dan tawaran – Bahagian Pengambilan, SPA
Urusan Tarikh Lapor Diri, Penempatan, Kursus Induksi – Bahagian Sumber Manusia, KKM
Urusan Penetapan Gaji Permulaan & Pelarasan Gaji – Bahagian Pengambilan/Perkhidmatan SPA melalui Bahagian Sumber Manusia, KKM
Urusan Pendaftaran Ahli Farmasi- Lembaga Farmasi Malaysia
Urusan pengesahan pelantikan, pengesahan perkhidmatan dan opsyen skim pencen atau KWSP – Bahagian Perkhidmatan, SPA
Urusan Tarikh Lapor Diri, Penempatan, Kursus Induksi – Bahagian Sumber Manusia, KKM
Urusan Penetapan Gaji Permulaan & Pelarasan Gaji – Bahagian Pengambilan/Perkhidmatan SPA melalui Bahagian Sumber Manusia, KKM
Urusan Pendaftaran Ahli Farmasi- Lembaga Farmasi Malaysia
Urusan pengesahan pelantikan, pengesahan perkhidmatan dan opsyen skim pencen atau KWSP – Bahagian Perkhidmatan, SPA
Proses Pengambilan P.Farmasi
√ Permohonan/Pendaftaran [SPA] ->selesai
√ Temu duga [SPA] - > selesai
√ Lulus Peperiksaan Akhir [Universiti] - > belum selesai! 4/5/2011 nnti insyaAllah
√ Tawaran Pelantikan [SPA]
√ Penempatan [KKM]
√ Pengesahan Pelantikan [SPA]
√ Pengesahan Perkhidmatan [SPA]
√ Pemberian Taraf Berpencen [SPA]-selepas 3 tahun
1)Surat tawaran akan dikeluarkan kepada pelajar yang lulus peperiksaan akhir dan berjaya temu duga apabila universiti mengeluarkan keputusan rasmi kepada SPA. Salinan akan dihantar ke KKM
2)Pada surat tawaran akan dinyatakan nama dan no KPT, nama jawatan, gaji permulaan, klasifikasi & skim perkhidmatan
3)Tawaran adalah tertakluk kepada pengemukaan skrol ijazah (asal & salinan) yang telah disahkan dan pengemukaan Sijil SPM (jika semasa temu duga tidak membawa Sijil SPM)
√ Permohonan/Pendaftaran [SPA] ->selesai
√ Temu duga [SPA] - > selesai
√ Lulus Peperiksaan Akhir [Universiti] - > belum selesai! 4/5/2011 nnti insyaAllah
√ Tawaran Pelantikan [SPA]
√ Penempatan [KKM]
√ Pengesahan Pelantikan [SPA]
√ Pengesahan Perkhidmatan [SPA]
√ Pemberian Taraf Berpencen [SPA]-selepas 3 tahun
1)Surat tawaran akan dikeluarkan kepada pelajar yang lulus peperiksaan akhir dan berjaya temu duga apabila universiti mengeluarkan keputusan rasmi kepada SPA. Salinan akan dihantar ke KKM
2)Pada surat tawaran akan dinyatakan nama dan no KPT, nama jawatan, gaji permulaan, klasifikasi & skim perkhidmatan
3)Tawaran adalah tertakluk kepada pengemukaan skrol ijazah (asal & salinan) yang telah disahkan dan pengemukaan Sijil SPM (jika semasa temu duga tidak membawa Sijil SPM)
4)Calon akan menerima surat tawaran daripada SPA. Pihak KKM pula akan menghantar Surat Arahan Melapor Diri kepada calon
Perlantikan P.Farmasi di KKM
Amik dari slide taklimat KKM hari tu...
*KKM menguruskan penempatan
1)Terima Borang Maklumat Diri (BMD) daripada pelajar - > borang telah pun kita isi sebelum final exam. KOP yang uruskan tapi kena confirmkan blk dgn KOP dah hantar belum BMD kita semua tu. Perlu juga contact KKM untuk confirmation
2)Terima surat tawaran jawatan daripada SPA. Salinan asal dihantar terus kepada calon -> Kena tunggu dpt result dulu...
3)Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Penempatan di antara Bhg. Sumber Manusia dan Bhg. Perkhidmatan Farmasi
4)Unit P&P, BSM sediakan Surat Lantikan beserta Arahan Penempatan
5)Diedarkan kepada calon. Salinan surat kepada Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri, SPA dan JPA.
*KKM menguruskan penempatan
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Members of Poison Board
Section 3 (1), Poison Act 1952 stated that : For the purpose of this Act and to advise the Minister generally thereon, there shall be established an advisory board, called the Poisons Board, consisting of the members following:
(a) the Director General of Health who shall be an ex-officio member;
(b) one pharmacist holding office in the service of the Government to be appointed by the Minister;
(c) one officer of the Department of Chemistry to be appointed by the Minister;
(d) one officer of the Department of Agriculture to be appointed by the Minister;
(e) one officer of the Veterinary Department holding office in the service of the Government to be appointed by the Minister; and
(f) eight persons ordinarily resident in Malaysia and not in the service of any Government in the Federation to be appointed by the Minister who shall be nominated as follows:
(i) one by the Malaysian Medical Association;
(ii) one by the Malaysian Medical Council established under the Medical Act 1971;
(iii) one by the Malaysian International Chambers of Commerce and Industry;
(iv) one by the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia;
(v) one by the Malay Chambers of Commerce;
(vi) one by the Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce, Malaysia;
(vii) one by the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Association; and
(viii) one by the Malaysian Rubber Producer’s Council.
Poison Board (as 25/4/2011) -
Membership : The following Board members have been appointed in accordance with Section 3(2) of the Poisons Act 1952.
a)Dato' Dr. Hassan Bin Abdul Rahman, Director General of Health.
b)Dato' Eisah binti A. Rahman, Senior Director of Pharmaceutical Services.
c)Dr. Kamarruddin bin Asri, Department of Chemistry.
d)Dr. Wan Mohamad bin Wan Hassan, Department of Agriculture.
e)Dato' Dr. Mohamad Azmie bin Zakaria, Veterinary Department.
i-Dr. Muhammad Gowdh bin Muhammed Jaffar, Malaysian Medical Association.
ii-Dato' Dr. Abdul Hamid bin Abdul Kadir, Malaysian Medical Council.
iii-Mr. Radzmi bin Rahmat, Malaysian International Chambers of Commerce & Industry.
iv-Dr. Chua Siew Kiat, Assosiated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Malaysia.
v- Malay Chambers of Commerce?
vi-Dr. A. T. Kumarraajah a/l Tambyraja, Assosiated Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Malaysia.
vii-Mdm. Yip Sook Ying,Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society.
viii- Malaysian Rubber Producer’s Council.
Secretary (not a member of the Board or no right to vote at its meetings.)
Mr. Ghazali bin Mansor,
Senior Principal Assistant Director,
Pharmacy Enforcement Division.
(a) the Director General of Health who shall be an ex-officio member;
(b) one pharmacist holding office in the service of the Government to be appointed by the Minister;
(c) one officer of the Department of Chemistry to be appointed by the Minister;
(d) one officer of the Department of Agriculture to be appointed by the Minister;
(e) one officer of the Veterinary Department holding office in the service of the Government to be appointed by the Minister; and
(f) eight persons ordinarily resident in Malaysia and not in the service of any Government in the Federation to be appointed by the Minister who shall be nominated as follows:
(i) one by the Malaysian Medical Association;
(ii) one by the Malaysian Medical Council established under the Medical Act 1971;
(iii) one by the Malaysian International Chambers of Commerce and Industry;
(iv) one by the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia;
(v) one by the Malay Chambers of Commerce;
(vi) one by the Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce, Malaysia;
(vii) one by the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Association; and
(viii) one by the Malaysian Rubber Producer’s Council.
Poison Board (as 25/4/2011) -
Membership : The following Board members have been appointed in accordance with Section 3(2) of the Poisons Act 1952.
a)Dato' Dr. Hassan Bin Abdul Rahman, Director General of Health.
b)Dato' Eisah binti A. Rahman, Senior Director of Pharmaceutical Services.
c)Dr. Kamarruddin bin Asri, Department of Chemistry.
d)Dr. Wan Mohamad bin Wan Hassan, Department of Agriculture.
e)Dato' Dr. Mohamad Azmie bin Zakaria, Veterinary Department.
i-Dr. Muhammad Gowdh bin Muhammed Jaffar, Malaysian Medical Association.
ii-Dato' Dr. Abdul Hamid bin Abdul Kadir, Malaysian Medical Council.
iii-Mr. Radzmi bin Rahmat, Malaysian International Chambers of Commerce & Industry.
iv-Dr. Chua Siew Kiat, Assosiated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Malaysia.
v- Malay Chambers of Commerce?
vi-Dr. A. T. Kumarraajah a/l Tambyraja, Assosiated Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Malaysia.
vii-Mdm. Yip Sook Ying,Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society.
viii- Malaysian Rubber Producer’s Council.
Secretary (not a member of the Board or no right to vote at its meetings.)
Mr. Ghazali bin Mansor,
Senior Principal Assistant Director,
Pharmacy Enforcement Division.
The Poisons Board acts as an advisory board and is responsible for advising the Minister of Health on the following issues:
· Classification of new chemical entity as a Scheduled Poison
· Removing a substance from the Poison List
· Amending the classification of a Scheduled Poison
· Amending the list of Psychotropic Substances
· Enforcing the Poisons Act and its Regulations
Monday, April 25, 2011
Diploma to Degree??
FOR a student with a Diploma in Pharmacy, a three-year course towards a pharmacy degree (B.Pharm ) locally sounds like a battle.
When I was in my first year diploma studies in 2008, I made detailed enquiries about doing the B.Pharm. I was told that I could skip the first three semesters (each semester is six months) if I obtained a grade point average of 3.8 (out of CGPA 4.0 ) and above.
At the end of last year, in my final year of my diploma course, the Pharmacy Board decided to upgrade the requirements to pursue the B.Pharm. For diploma students, the CGPA was raised to 3.85 and above. But now, even with a high CGPA, diploma students must complete the four-year B.Pharm in full for a degree.
This is upsetting news. Aren't we entitled to skip the first year? We spent three years and more than RM60,000 to study a related field. And it seems there is little use in advancing to a degree programme. Compare us with students with Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia or A-level or Foundation in Science, who spend less than RM20,000 for 11/2 years, and have no idea what pharmacy is about.
I pray the Pharmacy Board will look into this matter as the increase in the number of years will not only affect us in terms of course duration but also financially. More years of study mean more financial outlay, although partial Higher Education Fund Corporation loans are given.
PSD replied ....
THE Pharmaceutical Services Division of the Health Ministry would like to thank B.S. of Ipoh for highlighting the difficulties faced by pharmacy diploma students in pursuing a pharmacy degree ("Raw deal for diploma students" -- NST, March 9).
While we sympathise with the writer, the entry requirement of students from all streams (diploma, Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia and A Levels) into a pharmacy degree programme is stringent to ensure that the standards and quality of pharmacy graduates are maintained.
As the syllabus during the first two years of the Degree in Pharmacy programme comprises technical subjects such as Pharmacotherapy, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Technology, Clinical Pharmacy and Toxicology, students who do not undergo these two years will not be able to cope during the third and final year of studies.
The aforementioned subjects are not covered during the three years of a Diploma in Pharmacy programme, as this programme is tailored to produce qualified and trained pharmacy assistants who will carry out cognitive tasks under the direct supervision of pharmacists.
As for students with STPM and A Level qualifications, only those from the pure science stream with good grades are accepted as they would have a good grasp of biology, physical and organic chemistry and mathematics.
The Guidelines on the Approval and Recognition of Pharmacy Degree Programme were enforced by the Pharmacy Board Malaysia in 2007 and there have been no changes to the entry requirements for the Degree in Pharmacy programme. [The Appendix Guideline can be seen HERE]
For Diploma of Science holders, the guidelines state that the minimum entry requirement for the Degree in Pharmacy is a CGPA of 3.8. No credit transfer is allowed to the diploma holders for the purpose of pursuing the Degree in Pharmacy and no exemptions are given.
The guidelines are available for viewing on the homepage of the Pharmaceutical Services Division --
For further enquiries or clarification, please contact the Pharmacy Board of Malaysia at 03-78413200 or email:
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Forensic Exam (14/11/2011)
Pharmacy Forensic/ Jurisprudence Examination
About The Examination
The Pharmacy Board of Malaysia has put up, as one of the requirements to get registered as pharmacists; the following groups of pharmacists need to pass this examination;
• Provisionally Registered Pharmacists who are undergoing training
• Pharmacists who are registered in a recognized country who intend to get registered in Malaysia
• Foreign registered pharmacists who intend to apply the Temporary Registration
Examination Dates
The examinations are fixed 3 times a year. The table below is the schedule of the examinations for 2011.
Table 1: Examination Schedule for 2011

Our Target :
Exam date 14/11/2011
Apply before 25/10/2011
Download Form PFF HERE
• Poisons Act 1952 (Revised 1989) & Its Regulations
• Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 (Revised 1980) & Its Regulations
• Medicines (Advertisement And Sale) Act 1956 (Revised 1983) & Its Regulations
• Sale Of Drugs Act 1952 (Revised 1989) & Its Regulations
• Registration Of Pharmacists Act 1951 & Its Regulations
• Code Of Conduct For Pharmacists And Bodies Corporate By Pharmacy Board Of Malaysia
Tutorials And Past Questions
The Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society or MPS is organizing seminars and tutorial before the examination. For further details please check their website at
Pharmacy Forensic/ Jurisprudence Examination
About The Examination
The Pharmacy Board of Malaysia has put up, as one of the requirements to get registered as pharmacists; the following groups of pharmacists need to pass this examination;
• Provisionally Registered Pharmacists who are undergoing training
• Pharmacists who are registered in a recognized country who intend to get registered in Malaysia
• Foreign registered pharmacists who intend to apply the Temporary Registration
Examination Dates
The examinations are fixed 3 times a year. The table below is the schedule of the examinations for 2011.
Table 1: Examination Schedule for 2011

Our Target :
Exam date 14/11/2011
Apply before 25/10/2011
Download Form PFF HERE
• Poisons Act 1952 (Revised 1989) & Its Regulations
• Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 (Revised 1980) & Its Regulations
• Medicines (Advertisement And Sale) Act 1956 (Revised 1983) & Its Regulations
• Sale Of Drugs Act 1952 (Revised 1989) & Its Regulations
• Registration Of Pharmacists Act 1951 & Its Regulations
• Code Of Conduct For Pharmacists And Bodies Corporate By Pharmacy Board Of Malaysia
The Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society or MPS is organizing seminars and tutorial before the examination. For further details please check their website at
Saturday, April 23, 2011
It's time
It's time,
To begin a new journey,
After ending a bachelor’s degree story,
You will take off for a new ride,
Bring your life up to a new height,
Let it be with the IIUM pride,
But be humble,
You don’t want to make trouble.
It's time,
To go out there,
To show and prove,
That you worth the investment,
That 6 years of learning,
Hours and hours of cramming, understanding,
Can be translated into productive working,
It is not merely because of the salary,
But to have you in this world, it's worthy.
It's time,
To give back,
What you get,
To serve the ummah,
Yet a humble servant to Allah,
To contribute to humanity,
To make the world a better place to be,
And everyday you will feel the satisfaction,
That today i’ve added value where i station,
And the best from me is yet to come,
Don't consider me done and gone.
It's time,
To meet new people,
To work with others,
Say that the mission is ours,
I will work with you decently,
You can hardly do things without me,
Even sometimes work is like hell,
Say to yourself, all iz well, all iz well.
It's time,
To apply what you know,
And from it, you continuously grow,
To chart a new learning graph,
From the bottomline whatever you now have,
Let it be an upward line,
Not a downward line,
Nor even plateau,
Up it shall go.
It's time,
To spread wings,
See how far you can fly,
To start swimming,
Which deep ocean can you go further, give a try?
It's time,
To plant seeds,
To plant more seeds of good deeds,
Let it be wherever you go,
To the hospitals, clinics, enforcement or bureau,
In your house, outside the house,
On the roads, off the roads,
When you meet people,
Please smile, Give salam,
Whenever you go to the toilet in a rush,
Please flush,
When you see a helpless child or a needy old man,
Please give a hand,
Remember, it's not big or small deeds that really matter,
But does Allah see and satisfy which we should bother
It's time,
To live hope,
Believe that you can cope,
Stand tall,
Don’t easily fall,
Even fall usually a must,
Hold to your faith, in Allah we fully trust,
Even if fail is a part of your story,
Remember, it usually a prerequisite for a victorious glory,
It is written everywhere in history,
Rise again,
Nothing was in vain.
It's time,
To realize things,
That you will fight at the frontline,
Holding the IIUM flag,
That we are ambassadors of Islam,
That we represent Allah in this life,
In this world,
So keep close to your iman,
Continue to improve your akhlak,
Do not betray Allah,
Do not betray His messenger,
Do not disappoint us,
Do not humiliate IIUM,
Remember, that we are the hope,
You and I are the hope,
And whose hope?
It is the ummah’s hope
It's time,
To look forward,
Do not be coward,
Future is where the hope island is,
We shall sail with effort and be optimist,
Yesterday and days before were precious,
Sweet or sour, everything seemed delicious,
The past is for us to learn from,
Don't live in there, move on,
But the best present is present,
Live up to the most, value every moment,
It's time,
To value friendship,
We were once in the same great ship,
But today we will take different paths,
Yet, do keep in touch,
One day we will meet again,
Reminisce the great days of the memory lane,
Appreciate what have all the teachers done,
Let us make them proud,
By being good, and our actions speak it loud,
By being one great human one day,
Our teachers can smile all the way,
Eventhough we know, we can hardly pay,
At least, that will make our day.
**Poem delivered by Bro. Badri (rx3) during the 6th Annual Graduating Dinner for the Rx6 of Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, IIUM on 17th April 2011.
*Published at IIUMRx6th with the Bro. Bad's permission.
To begin a new journey,
After ending a bachelor’s degree story,
You will take off for a new ride,
Bring your life up to a new height,
Let it be with the IIUM pride,
But be humble,
You don’t want to make trouble.
It's time,
To go out there,
To show and prove,
That you worth the investment,
That 6 years of learning,
Hours and hours of cramming, understanding,
Can be translated into productive working,
It is not merely because of the salary,
But to have you in this world, it's worthy.
It's time,
To give back,
What you get,
To serve the ummah,
Yet a humble servant to Allah,
To contribute to humanity,
To make the world a better place to be,
And everyday you will feel the satisfaction,
That today i’ve added value where i station,
And the best from me is yet to come,
Don't consider me done and gone.
It's time,
To meet new people,
To work with others,
Say that the mission is ours,
I will work with you decently,
You can hardly do things without me,
Even sometimes work is like hell,
Say to yourself, all iz well, all iz well.
It's time,
To apply what you know,
And from it, you continuously grow,
To chart a new learning graph,
From the bottomline whatever you now have,
Let it be an upward line,
Not a downward line,
Nor even plateau,
Up it shall go.
It's time,
To spread wings,
See how far you can fly,
To start swimming,
Which deep ocean can you go further, give a try?
It's time,
To plant seeds,
To plant more seeds of good deeds,
Let it be wherever you go,
To the hospitals, clinics, enforcement or bureau,
In your house, outside the house,
On the roads, off the roads,
When you meet people,
Please smile, Give salam,
Whenever you go to the toilet in a rush,
Please flush,
When you see a helpless child or a needy old man,
Please give a hand,
Remember, it's not big or small deeds that really matter,
But does Allah see and satisfy which we should bother
It's time,
To live hope,
Believe that you can cope,
Stand tall,
Don’t easily fall,
Even fall usually a must,
Hold to your faith, in Allah we fully trust,
Even if fail is a part of your story,
Remember, it usually a prerequisite for a victorious glory,
It is written everywhere in history,
Rise again,
Nothing was in vain.
It's time,
To realize things,
That you will fight at the frontline,
Holding the IIUM flag,
That we are ambassadors of Islam,
That we represent Allah in this life,
In this world,
So keep close to your iman,
Continue to improve your akhlak,
Do not betray Allah,
Do not betray His messenger,
Do not disappoint us,
Do not humiliate IIUM,
Remember, that we are the hope,
You and I are the hope,
And whose hope?
It is the ummah’s hope
It's time,
To look forward,
Do not be coward,
Future is where the hope island is,
We shall sail with effort and be optimist,
Yesterday and days before were precious,
Sweet or sour, everything seemed delicious,
The past is for us to learn from,
Don't live in there, move on,
But the best present is present,
Live up to the most, value every moment,
It's time,
To value friendship,
We were once in the same great ship,
But today we will take different paths,
Yet, do keep in touch,
One day we will meet again,
Reminisce the great days of the memory lane,
Appreciate what have all the teachers done,
Let us make them proud,
By being good, and our actions speak it loud,
By being one great human one day,
Our teachers can smile all the way,
Eventhough we know, we can hardly pay,
At least, that will make our day.
**Poem delivered by Bro. Badri (rx3) during the 6th Annual Graduating Dinner for the Rx6 of Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, IIUM on 17th April 2011.
*Published at IIUMRx6th with the Bro. Bad's permission.
Last Reminder
Please be informed that the MOHE is requesting for all Malaysian Final Year Graduating Student to participate in the MY3S online survey. The survey portal will be opened from 16th March 2011 to 30th April 2011. Participation in this survey is COMPULSORY.
p/s- better participate the survey utk mengelakkan drpd berlaku apa2 yg xelok di kemudian hari nanti.
To all Rx6 pls remember to login to My3s, date has been extended to 5 May 2011 for us in Ktn campus. - Mdm Halimah
Friday, April 22, 2011
Alice In Fairyland (Director's Cut) - Complete -
OK kwn kwn, finally sume part Alice dapat di upload. Sorry sbb lambat...hahaha biasela limiting factor (aka internet) penyebab kelambatan mengupload video ni kt Youtube...
SO, this is all the parts of the short film by Miss Belle and Friends.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
To all actresses, sorry la ye kalu time shooting termarah ke, terkasar bahase yg menyinggung prasaan korang, biasela Director (aka Miss Belle) & Assist. Director (aka Ika Alias) kekadang tergarang sikit...kekeke...Kaklongs la katakan....
Finally, enjoy this vid, especially yg xdpt final copy ni sebelum balik...
You know you love me...
-Miss Belle-
SO, this is all the parts of the short film by Miss Belle and Friends.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
To all actresses, sorry la ye kalu time shooting termarah ke, terkasar bahase yg menyinggung prasaan korang, biasela Director (aka Miss Belle) & Assist. Director (aka Ika Alias) kekadang tergarang sikit...kekeke...Kaklongs la katakan....
Finally, enjoy this vid, especially yg xdpt final copy ni sebelum balik...
You know you love me...
-Miss Belle-
Tiada Lagi....
Hari terakhir kita semua berkumpul pada 17/4/2011 di Hall Swiss Garden. Hari ini hampir seminggu kita bergelar sebagai graduan farmasi UIAM, Alhamdulillah...
Tiada lagi announcement berkenaan kelas di blog ini, tiada lagi lectures, tiada lagi notes2 yg perlu dibaca, tiada lagi assignments dari lecturers, tiada lagi quiz, tiada lagi ‘rehlah’.... Alam pekerjaan bakal menanti kita semua.
Disebalik kegembiraan kita meraikan kejayaan kita, harus tidak dilupakan kpd kawan-kawan kita yang reseat, repeat & extend semester/year. Itulah kehidupan. Kita diuji dengan pelbagai ujian. Ada yang menerima ujian seperti kekayaan, pangkat, kuasa, kehilangan orang tersayang, kehilangan barang, nikmat kesihatan, keimanan dan pelbagai lagi.
Disebalik kegembiraan menamatkan pengajian ijazah farmasi, kesedihan terselit di dada. Persahabat yang terjalin antara kita sangat indah. Mahu atau tidak, semua orang pasti akan melalui perpisahan. Persahabatan itu kadangkala ia meresahkan dan pada masa yang sama membahagiakan....
Nah, video ni dedicated utk rx6th!
"Graduation (Friends Forever)"
And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real blue
Stay at home talking on the telephone
And we would get so excitedand we'd get so scared
Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels
As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
From whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
La, la, la, la:
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la:
We will still be friends forever
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
Tiada lagi announcement berkenaan kelas di blog ini, tiada lagi lectures, tiada lagi notes2 yg perlu dibaca, tiada lagi assignments dari lecturers, tiada lagi quiz, tiada lagi ‘rehlah’.... Alam pekerjaan bakal menanti kita semua.
Disebalik kegembiraan kita meraikan kejayaan kita, harus tidak dilupakan kpd kawan-kawan kita yang reseat, repeat & extend semester/year. Itulah kehidupan. Kita diuji dengan pelbagai ujian. Ada yang menerima ujian seperti kekayaan, pangkat, kuasa, kehilangan orang tersayang, kehilangan barang, nikmat kesihatan, keimanan dan pelbagai lagi.
Disebalik kegembiraan menamatkan pengajian ijazah farmasi, kesedihan terselit di dada. Persahabat yang terjalin antara kita sangat indah. Mahu atau tidak, semua orang pasti akan melalui perpisahan. Persahabatan itu kadangkala ia meresahkan dan pada masa yang sama membahagiakan....
Email ada, facebook ada, phone no. pun ada.. :)
Nah, video ni dedicated utk rx6th!
"Graduation (Friends Forever)"
And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real blue
Stay at home talking on the telephone
And we would get so excitedand we'd get so scared
Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels
As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
From whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
La, la, la, la:
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la:
We will still be friends forever
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Last Reminder
Assalamualaikum wbt
Ni adalah last reminder from mdm rohani:
* minta sape2 yang masih BELUM HANTAR report SEGMEN 3 Community Posting sila berbuat
demikian pada 25 APRIL 2011 (isnin) sebelum pukul 9.00am.
Hantar jangan x hantar..x grad nant..huhuhu...
sape2 yang was-was boleh rujuk mdm rohani..
tima ksh..
TK 1
Matlamat Sukatan Peperiksaan
1.1 Tahap kecekapan 1 (TK 1) Pada TK 1; pegawai Farmasi
i. Mempunyai pengetahuan tentang konsep-konsep pengurusan dan amalan farmaseutikal, Perundangan Farmasi Malaysia, teknik-teknik kaunseling ubat, prinsip-prinsip perkhidmatan maklumat drug, pengurusan pendispensan farmaseutikal, pelaporan dan pemantauan ADR, prinsip asas farmakokinetik dan keracunan drug, prinsip-prinsip asas radiofarmasi, teknikteknik aseptik, “Good Manufacturing Practice” dan “Good Laboratory Practice”.
ii. Berupaya memahami konsep-konsep dan peraturan pengurusan sumber dan arahan pentadbiran dalam melaksanakan bidang tugas jawatannya.
iii. Berupaya memahami konsep-konsep ketatanegaraan.
2. Tujuan Peperiksaan
Untuk menguji kebolehan dan kecekapan pegawai dalam memenuhi salah satu syarat anjakan gaji.
3. Pegawai yang layak menduduki peperiksaan ini
Pegawai Farmasi U41 yang telah disahkan.
4. Sukatan Peperiksaan
Bidang sukatan peperiksaan adalah merangkumi Kompetensi Umum dan Kompetensi Khusus.
Kompetensi Umum? Khusus? Nantikan post yg seterusnya!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Nasihat utk Bakal PRP
Madam Syahiera Farhana:
1. Open yourself to LEARN. Learning process will never stop. Esp you're a pharmacist..You have to know how to LEARN - UNLEARN - RELEARN. You know sometimes new drugs come in..or new finding released. Some of the knowledge/info might be obsolete some day later. So, keep on reading & learning.
2. PRP internship period surely be challenging. Be strong & sabar. Sometimes we make mistakes, but you must learn from it.
3. Be responsible on all your actions & words. Becoz u're dealing with real, living patients. If not, it's gonna be the LICENSE TO KILL.
All the best.. Enjoy working life & adult life.
You all surely can do it.
Nti kaunseling,psal pen humulin,insulatard,MDI inhaler salbutamol,ear drop,eye drop,accuhaler n others inhaler,warfarin smuanya basic yg ko msti tau bila keja nti..psal ubat tu,at least ko tau ubat ni guna utk apa.bila tiap2 ari ko deal dgn ubat,otomatik ko akn tau psal ubat2 ni.nti ko kna tau ubat ni klas apa,perlu sain dr pakar ke tak.pastu kna tau mcm mana nk screening,filling,labelling,dispensing.satu lg ko akn wat keja management sbb kta pegawai..mcm mana nk order bila ubat dh abis,mcm mana nk rekod etc
Fadhli Zil Ikram:
Wah jiman..good advice... one more need to know... please do ask lots of questions from senior PPFs coz they knew so much things in details..wuteve questions lor...klu nak tanya PF ni biasanya susah skit melainkan mu baik ngan dia..n never under estimate good luck
Nashriq Hamsin:
kene rajin n pandai cari peluang utk mantapkan skill handling patients.akk just 2bln je kat hosp tp thats how i gained experiences.hati kene tabah n bdn kene fit.insya allah ley buat..lg 1,jgn malu berty..lps 2,hormat org len wpun die tu juz penolong pegawai farmasi.dorg lg byk experience dr kt esp yg da nk pencen,so ade baiknye kt hormat n gain knowledge dr dorg gak slain dr peg farmasi.itu je kot.if ty exp kat biro,ley le cite pjg xde prp yg akan disalurkan ke harap ni membantu.selamat maju jaya.kwn2 n junior2 yg da lps prp,mohon beri ilmu tmbhn pd adik2 kite ye?
Nurul Akma Hanan:
1. Hormat everyone.. From the big boss to even the PPF and PPP. They'll respect you when you respect them too.
2. Grab opportunities to learn and experience as much as you can. Kalau dpt offer ke kursus/program, pergi.. Rugi kalau tak pergi. Tak semua org dpt peluang sebegitu esp during PRP. It means ur preseptor got good impressions on you.
3. Always double check & countercheck things. If in doubt, rujuk Drug Info / Micromedex / CPG etc. Ask around also. Tapi jgn bergantung pada 1 source of info i.e FRP/PPF sahaja. People also make mistakes. So, double confirm so that mistake(s) can be avoided. It's patient's life that we're dealing with.
Doa setiap hari supaya Allah jauhkan kita dari buat mistakes esp yg boleh membahayakan nyawa patients.
4. Jauhkan diri dari politik di tempat kerja ok.
Wan Maisarah:
Sorry for late reply..hehe
seniors nye tips kat atas tu dah comprehensive kot
tinggal nak practice je lagi kan
papepun nak wish selamat bekhidmat ari ni onwards (1 july kan?)
ikhlaskan jiwa raga utk kerja ye
tu sgt penting..hehe
Nazia Iqbal:
I think nashriq and Akma has already given quite useful tips i guess my comments will be similar...anyway, when kak started off as PRP i used to write blog till some time...those were about real2 fresh if u wanna read on some personal experiences,feel free to search on my blog for posts Nov 2008 onwards....
original dari -
1. Open yourself to LEARN. Learning process will never stop. Esp you're a pharmacist..You have to know how to LEARN - UNLEARN - RELEARN. You know sometimes new drugs come in..or new finding released. Some of the knowledge/info might be obsolete some day later. So, keep on reading & learning.
2. PRP internship period surely be challenging. Be strong & sabar. Sometimes we make mistakes, but you must learn from it.
3. Be responsible on all your actions & words. Becoz u're dealing with real, living patients. If not, it's gonna be the LICENSE TO KILL.
All the best.. Enjoy working life & adult life.
You all surely can do it.
Nti kaunseling,psal pen humulin,insulatard,MDI inhaler salbutamol,ear drop,eye drop,accuhaler n others inhaler,warfarin smuanya basic yg ko msti tau bila keja nti..psal ubat tu,at least ko tau ubat ni guna utk apa.bila tiap2 ari ko deal dgn ubat,otomatik ko akn tau psal ubat2 ni.nti ko kna tau ubat ni klas apa,perlu sain dr pakar ke tak.pastu kna tau mcm mana nk screening,filling,labelling,dispensing.satu lg ko akn wat keja management sbb kta pegawai..mcm mana nk order bila ubat dh abis,mcm mana nk rekod etc
Fadhli Zil Ikram:
Wah jiman..good advice... one more need to know... please do ask lots of questions from senior PPFs coz they knew so much things in details..wuteve questions lor...klu nak tanya PF ni biasanya susah skit melainkan mu baik ngan dia..n never under estimate good luck
Nashriq Hamsin:
kene rajin n pandai cari peluang utk mantapkan skill handling patients.akk just 2bln je kat hosp tp thats how i gained experiences.hati kene tabah n bdn kene fit.insya allah ley buat..lg 1,jgn malu berty..lps 2,hormat org len wpun die tu juz penolong pegawai farmasi.dorg lg byk experience dr kt esp yg da nk pencen,so ade baiknye kt hormat n gain knowledge dr dorg gak slain dr peg farmasi.itu je kot.if ty exp kat biro,ley le cite pjg xde prp yg akan disalurkan ke harap ni membantu.selamat maju jaya.kwn2 n junior2 yg da lps prp,mohon beri ilmu tmbhn pd adik2 kite ye?
Nurul Akma Hanan:
1. Hormat everyone.. From the big boss to even the PPF and PPP. They'll respect you when you respect them too.
2. Grab opportunities to learn and experience as much as you can. Kalau dpt offer ke kursus/program, pergi.. Rugi kalau tak pergi. Tak semua org dpt peluang sebegitu esp during PRP. It means ur preseptor got good impressions on you.
3. Always double check & countercheck things. If in doubt, rujuk Drug Info / Micromedex / CPG etc. Ask around also. Tapi jgn bergantung pada 1 source of info i.e FRP/PPF sahaja. People also make mistakes. So, double confirm so that mistake(s) can be avoided. It's patient's life that we're dealing with.
Doa setiap hari supaya Allah jauhkan kita dari buat mistakes esp yg boleh membahayakan nyawa patients.
4. Jauhkan diri dari politik di tempat kerja ok.
Wan Maisarah:
Sorry for late reply..hehe
seniors nye tips kat atas tu dah comprehensive kot
tinggal nak practice je lagi kan
papepun nak wish selamat bekhidmat ari ni onwards (1 july kan?)
ikhlaskan jiwa raga utk kerja ye
tu sgt penting..hehe
Nazia Iqbal:
I think nashriq and Akma has already given quite useful tips i guess my comments will be similar...anyway, when kak started off as PRP i used to write blog till some time...those were about real2 fresh if u wanna read on some personal experiences,feel free to search on my blog for posts Nov 2008 onwards....
original dari -
I-Mag 4th Edition
salam kwn2 semua,
I-Mag (IPhA Magazine) dah siap printing. Semua i-mag utk batch kita ada kat saya (bro dak mahallah yg xblk lg n rumah payak dah bg). So, yg belum dpt lagi korang akan dpt bila dtg uia lps dpt result insyaAllah.
Rasenye most of us akan dtg KOP utk buat clearance bila dh dpt result. So, hope semua blh dtg kuantan. Insyaallah kita buat 1st gathering sama2 kat KOP @ mana2 yg sesuai. Kita bncng nnti.
Sape2 yg still ada kat Kuantan & nak I-MAG tu boleh contact saya directly by mail/phone. Xpun contact Mar.
p/s- I-Mag Team mintak maaf psl lambat dpt & printing mungkin kurang cantik sket utk certain2 page.
updated list name yg dah dpt :
I-Mag (IPhA Magazine) dah siap printing. Semua i-mag utk batch kita ada kat saya (bro dak mahallah yg xblk lg n rumah payak dah bg). So, yg belum dpt lagi korang akan dpt bila dtg uia lps dpt result insyaAllah.
Rasenye most of us akan dtg KOP utk buat clearance bila dh dpt result. So, hope semua blh dtg kuantan. Insyaallah kita buat 1st gathering sama2 kat KOP @ mana2 yg sesuai. Kita bncng nnti.
Sape2 yg still ada kat Kuantan & nak I-MAG tu boleh contact saya directly by mail/phone. Xpun contact Mar.
p/s- I-Mag Team mintak maaf psl lambat dpt & printing mungkin kurang cantik sket utk certain2 page.
updated list name yg dah dpt :
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Post AGD @ Teluk Cempedak
Salam semua.
maaf br je plan. Nk jemput semua rx6th ke Teluk Cempedak, jam 11mlm.
Kita akan stay kat TC sampai subuh utk tengok sunrise (sape2 yg nk ada hal n blk bebila masa, xpe. Boleh je).
Antara aktiviti kita mlm ni :
1-Brainstorm psl future alumni rx6 (organization, aktiviti)
4-byk lg!
So, all rx6th are welcomed to our 1st post AGD @ TC mlm ni.
Makan sendiri. Kedai byk kt TC. McD 24 jam. :)
p/s- jgn lupa bwk apa2 yg ptt. Eg. - tikar, sweater, dll
maaf br je plan. Nk jemput semua rx6th ke Teluk Cempedak, jam 11mlm.
Kita akan stay kat TC sampai subuh utk tengok sunrise (sape2 yg nk ada hal n blk bebila masa, xpe. Boleh je).
Antara aktiviti kita mlm ni :
1-Brainstorm psl future alumni rx6 (organization, aktiviti)
4-byk lg!
So, all rx6th are welcomed to our 1st post AGD @ TC mlm ni.
Makan sendiri. Kedai byk kt TC. McD 24 jam. :)
p/s- jgn lupa bwk apa2 yg ptt. Eg. - tikar, sweater, dll
Jemputan Walimah lagi
assalamu'alaikum wbt
exam dah habis, AGD pun dah habis, tapi bukan bermakna persahabatan kita tamat di sini..semoga berkekalan hendaknya hingga ke syurga.. ;)
nak ambil kesempatan kali ni, ingin menjemput sekali lagi sahabat2 Rx6 semua ke majlis kesyukuran sempena perkahwinan saya, Wan Mahani pada 29 Mei 2011, insya-Allah.
tarikh sama dengan majlis bib & nizam, tak tau nak pegi yang mana? takde masalah..belah dua badan! :D
semoga dengan kehadiran sahabat2 akan menambahkan kemeriahan & keberkatan majlis, doakan semoga segalanya berjalan lancar.
"selamat jalan teman, teruskan berjuang!" ;)
Sunday, April 17, 2011

p/s: driver dan passenger sila alert nama masing2.ape2 prob maklumkan kat PIC

p/s: kul 8pm dh ade kat sane.digalakkan utk solat isya' kt sane untuk melancarkan lagi perjalanan majlis.insyaALLAH ade musolla/bilik disediakan

Kereta(Driver) | Passengers |
Nabila | 1. Safura 2. Azlen 3. Iqa Alias 4. Ruzaini |
Fairuz | 1. Hani 2. Aziela |
Nusaibah | 1. Nik 2. Huda 3. Maryam |
Fathiyah | 1. Umiera 2. Iqa Manso 3. Raihan |
Amira | 1. Fatihah 2. Ain 3. Mahani 4. Hajar 5. Khadijah Amin |
Izzati | 1. Hanisah 2. Aida |
Miftah | 1. Amal S 2. Syarafina |
Amal A | 1. Baizura |
##Sendiri | 1. Nadiah Suhane 2. ‘Atiqah 3. Mardhiyyah 4. Afifah |
Saturday, April 16, 2011
AGD's Initerary
8.00 Arrival of students
8.20 Start Program
8.45 Speeches
9.00 Opening video
9.20 Start dinner
10.25 Mini convo
10.35 New batch leader announcement
10.45 Announcement of King and Queen of fairytale
11.05 Closing
Photography session ( 15 to 30 mins)
Nomination of new Batch Leader :
1-Ramdani Abd Manan
2-Amin Mansor
Nomination of new Asst. Batch Leader :
1-Salwani Rosely
2-Safura Mokhtaruddin
* Jangan lupa bawa pen untuk voting session =)
Final year Wajib Participate!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t,
Dear all Malaysian Final Year Graduating Student,
Please be informed that the MOHE is requesting for all Malaysian Final Year Graduating Student to participate in the MY3S online survey. The survey portal will be opened from 16th March 2011 to 30th April 2011. Participation in this survey is COMPULSORY.
p/s - dh boleh log in pakai no matric & IC no. masing2
Friday, April 15, 2011
Briefing OSCE
Perhatian! Perhatian! Perhatian!
Esok akan ada briefing OSCE drpd Bro Hafiz selepas MCQ kt klas.So, sape yg kuar awal, sila tunggu di klas ye.
Sekian, terima kasih.
- safura
Perhatian! Perhatian! Perhatian!
Esok akan ada briefing OSCE drpd Bro Hafiz selepas MCQ kt klas.So, sape yg kuar awal, sila tunggu di klas ye.
Sekian, terima kasih.
- safura
Thursday, April 14, 2011
rujuk entri sblm ni -
Salam...Admin's exam carry 60%
SHORT ESSAY- 4 out of 5 (each question carry 10%)
LONG ESSAY- 1 out of 2 (each question carry 20%)
Total marks- 60%...
All d best for tomorrow!!
Gambar Batch Rx6th Hardcopy (Utk Dijual)
Sama macam email. tkt2 ada yg xcheck email.
Salam, psl Gambar Batch RX6TH
Kat sini nak promote jualan gambar batch kita. Gambar ni dah edit, sister + brother sekali dlm 1 pic, ada saya attach skali kt email ni. Kalau 3rd year dulu, gambar asing-asing brother & sister.
Berkenaan harga pula,
Harga gambar (10’ x 15’) sahaja = RM10
Harga gambar + frame = RM40
*gambar size besar (lebih kurang size laptop besar), cuci kat kedai gambar, tak pakai printer biasa. confirm gambar sharp & nampak sorang2. :)
*frame berkualiti, kayu kilat. Boleh digantung kat umah nanti. :) Gambar frame saya xsmpt tangkap kt kedai td.Sorry, insyaallah kalau ptg ni sy sempat, sy g tangkp.
Berminat? Boleh email @ komen kt entri ni @ sms saya SEBELUM esok pagi. Sebab esok tengahari nk pg hantar print. Insyaallah sebelum AGD @mlm sblm AGD , korang akan dapat gambar tu. Bayar bila dah dapat gambar tu. Thanks!
P/s – kalau ada gambar hardcopy, boleh gantung kt dinding, simpan dlm album & buat kenangan.
Harga gambar + frame = RM40
*gambar size besar (lebih kurang size laptop besar), cuci kat kedai gambar, tak pakai printer biasa. confirm gambar sharp & nampak sorang2. :)
*frame berkualiti, kayu kilat. Boleh digantung kat umah nanti. :) Gambar frame saya xsmpt tangkap kt kedai td.Sorry, insyaallah kalau ptg ni sy sempat, sy g tangkp.
Berminat? Boleh email @ komen kt entri ni @ sms saya SEBELUM esok pagi. Sebab esok tengahari nk pg hantar print. Insyaallah sebelum AGD @mlm sblm AGD , korang akan dapat gambar tu. Bayar bila dah dapat gambar tu. Thanks!
P/s – kalau ada gambar hardcopy, boleh gantung kt dinding, simpan dlm album & buat kenangan.
Alumni Pic Rx6th
Salam, nk mintak kerjasama semua utk semak ejaan nama anda pada gambar alumni ni SEBELUM 11pg hari ni.Kalau ada typing error, blh tulis kat komen entry ni@shout. Thanks!
p/s - gambar alumni ni kita akan serahkn pada Prof Tariq masa AGD nnti utk dipamerkan bersama dgn gambar alumni batch lain.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Report Retail Attachment PHM 1314
Salam.. kepada sape2 yang belum hantar report retail attachment PHM 1314, sila hantar before this saturday morning.. Kalo x, tak leh grad nanti!! ----mdm rohani.
Test, test. Test 1,2..Test 1,2..ok2. Salam smua, slmt menconteng note admin dan bersabar utk paper last yer. Tujuan entry ni, adalah untuk clear kn beberapa perkara pasal AGD kite nnt. Ok, ak explain 1,1 erk:.
1) Berkenaan dgn Lagu Komiti

-seperti yg semua maklum, para komiti akn perform 1lagu, lagu ni, kire nk dedicate kt lect2 smua lah. Kalo sape xtau lg, lagu ni ade kt blog, siap link versi karok ade. Ok, smlm, pas meeting, komiti bersetuju lah, utk lbh terserlah sense of belonging kite, so, kite akn nyanyi lagu ni same2. Means, semua warga Rx6 akn nyanyi lagu ni. Ok, nnt, MC akan announce performance dr komiti, so,smua komiti akn kluar ke stage. N mase komiti amik tmpt kt stage, ak amat berbesar hati kalo smua warga Rx6 bleh bgn kejap (x perlu ke stage), kt meja masing2, nyanyi skali ngn komiti. Senang je kn? Ok kn? Untuk kemudahan smua, sy mtk stiap warge Rx6, tgk kat blog, hafal lirik 2. Ak rase lirik 2 ok je, xde pn unsur2 lupe Allah ke, terlalu memuja n memuji wanita ke ape smua. Untuk menjadikan lagu ni best, pas je mcq, sy mtk smua Rx6, thn lapar skjp, kite akn rehearse lagu ni,bleh?kt kelas kite, pas exam mcq ye.
2) Penganugerahan Darjah Kebesaran King n Queen of the Nite.

Mungkin ramai da membace post sblm ni psl gelaran King n Queen yg pasti, sememangnye menjadi rebutan stiap org kn. Lebih krg je nk explain psl King n Queen 2, more or less, same ngn post sblm ni, except, panel pemilihan utk King n Queen terdiri drp warga Rx6 & komiti junior. So, let say 80 org warga Rx6 + 10org komiti junior ade mlm 2, kirenye 90org akn mengundi sapekah bro & sis yg plg layak utk menggondol gelaran plg berprestij 2. Eh silap, kire anda memerlukan 89 undian lg. (1undian-sah2 korg undi diri sendiri kn, nk menang kn, hehehe).So, yg mendapat undian tertinggi, wajiblh jd pemenang. Kn? Ni utk menyenangkn d menjimatkn mase semua pihak, xperlu lah plih2 top5 n lect akn pilih lg.Kite jmpt lect, nk meraikan dorg je,bkn nk srh jd juri plak. Ok, smua clear erk? Pesanan dr pihak penaja, slmt berusaha dgn lbh gigih, ikhlas, tawadduk, sidiq, amanah, fatanah, utk mendapat gelaran plg berprestij yg sy yakin menjadi dambaan smua warga Rx6.selamat maju jaya ye.
3) Jadual pergerakan dr Kuantan ke Swiss Garden.

Ini 1 lg, so, pihak komiti sebulat suara ingin menyatakan kat sini, warga Rx6 berhak diberi pluang untuk bergerak ke Swiss Garden pd bila2 masa yg dikehendaki. Tidak ade waktu specific utk bergerak dr sini. Yg pasti, kol8 smua org ade kt Swiss garden, sape nk kene marah- sila dtg lwt dr kol8, sila2. Tmpt nk smyg@ surau, ade kat sane. Xckup surau, bilik pn ade, 1 bro n 1 sis utk bersalin (eh,mcm delivery baby plak), utk persalinan n preparation. Ok? Rasenye xde isu kt sini. Bilik xmuat?korg amik nombor lah. Xpn, yg xsmpt smyg awal waktu, time beratur amik mknn, korg kuar kejap, g smyg, jgn kuar time awal2 majlis sude. Nk jamak? –xleh, dekat je swiss garden 2. Nk smyg pas event- bleh je, xde mslh pn. Pndai2 korg lh ye.
4) Lastly, pasal last touch-up
Aku, on behalf of organizing committees, amat berbesar hati kalo warge Rx6 dpt dtg ke KOP mlm pas mcq 2.kire 16/4 kol9 mlm, kt KOP, utk last touch-up ape2 yg xsettle lg n nk brief flow of prog mase ari kejadian. Kalo lh smua ade 100% sense of belonging, ak rase, pasti xkn ade Rx6 yg xdtg mlm 2 without any valid reasons. Its all about commitment n yourself, bkn psl fahaman dan idealogi yg berbeza ke ape. Ok?
So,mcm da xde nk ckp ape da.mmg pjg lebar skali. Ape2 pertanyaan, isu berbangkit or ape2, bleh trus personally jumpe, contact ak (matmin) n mane2 komiti agd.
Ok ye? Stkt ni je dulu, ape2 lg,akn di update kmudian. Gud luck smua, utk 2hr lg exam ye. All da best..

1) Berkenaan dgn Lagu Komiti

-seperti yg semua maklum, para komiti akn perform 1lagu, lagu ni, kire nk dedicate kt lect2 smua lah. Kalo sape xtau lg, lagu ni ade kt blog, siap link versi karok ade. Ok, smlm, pas meeting, komiti bersetuju lah, utk lbh terserlah sense of belonging kite, so, kite akn nyanyi lagu ni same2. Means, semua warga Rx6 akn nyanyi lagu ni. Ok, nnt, MC akan announce performance dr komiti, so,smua komiti akn kluar ke stage. N mase komiti amik tmpt kt stage, ak amat berbesar hati kalo smua warga Rx6 bleh bgn kejap (x perlu ke stage), kt meja masing2, nyanyi skali ngn komiti. Senang je kn? Ok kn? Untuk kemudahan smua, sy mtk stiap warge Rx6, tgk kat blog, hafal lirik 2. Ak rase lirik 2 ok je, xde pn unsur2 lupe Allah ke, terlalu memuja n memuji wanita ke ape smua. Untuk menjadikan lagu ni best, pas je mcq, sy mtk smua Rx6, thn lapar skjp, kite akn rehearse lagu ni,bleh?kt kelas kite, pas exam mcq ye.
2) Penganugerahan Darjah Kebesaran King n Queen of the Nite.

Mungkin ramai da membace post sblm ni psl gelaran King n Queen yg pasti, sememangnye menjadi rebutan stiap org kn. Lebih krg je nk explain psl King n Queen 2, more or less, same ngn post sblm ni, except, panel pemilihan utk King n Queen terdiri drp warga Rx6 & komiti junior. So, let say 80 org warga Rx6 + 10org komiti junior ade mlm 2, kirenye 90org akn mengundi sapekah bro & sis yg plg layak utk menggondol gelaran plg berprestij 2. Eh silap, kire anda memerlukan 89 undian lg. (1undian-sah2 korg undi diri sendiri kn, nk menang kn, hehehe).So, yg mendapat undian tertinggi, wajiblh jd pemenang. Kn? Ni utk menyenangkn d menjimatkn mase semua pihak, xperlu lah plih2 top5 n lect akn pilih lg.Kite jmpt lect, nk meraikan dorg je,bkn nk srh jd juri plak. Ok, smua clear erk? Pesanan dr pihak penaja, slmt berusaha dgn lbh gigih, ikhlas, tawadduk, sidiq, amanah, fatanah, utk mendapat gelaran plg berprestij yg sy yakin menjadi dambaan smua warga Rx6.selamat maju jaya ye.
3) Jadual pergerakan dr Kuantan ke Swiss Garden.

Ini 1 lg, so, pihak komiti sebulat suara ingin menyatakan kat sini, warga Rx6 berhak diberi pluang untuk bergerak ke Swiss Garden pd bila2 masa yg dikehendaki. Tidak ade waktu specific utk bergerak dr sini. Yg pasti, kol8 smua org ade kt Swiss garden, sape nk kene marah- sila dtg lwt dr kol8, sila2. Tmpt nk smyg@ surau, ade kat sane. Xckup surau, bilik pn ade, 1 bro n 1 sis utk bersalin (eh,mcm delivery baby plak), utk persalinan n preparation. Ok? Rasenye xde isu kt sini. Bilik xmuat?korg amik nombor lah. Xpn, yg xsmpt smyg awal waktu, time beratur amik mknn, korg kuar kejap, g smyg, jgn kuar time awal2 majlis sude. Nk jamak? –xleh, dekat je swiss garden 2. Nk smyg pas event- bleh je, xde mslh pn. Pndai2 korg lh ye.
4) Lastly, pasal last touch-up
Aku, on behalf of organizing committees, amat berbesar hati kalo warge Rx6 dpt dtg ke KOP mlm pas mcq 2.kire 16/4 kol9 mlm, kt KOP, utk last touch-up ape2 yg xsettle lg n nk brief flow of prog mase ari kejadian. Kalo lh smua ade 100% sense of belonging, ak rase, pasti xkn ade Rx6 yg xdtg mlm 2 without any valid reasons. Its all about commitment n yourself, bkn psl fahaman dan idealogi yg berbeza ke ape. Ok?
So,mcm da xde nk ckp ape da.mmg pjg lebar skali. Ape2 pertanyaan, isu berbangkit or ape2, bleh trus personally jumpe, contact ak (matmin) n mane2 komiti agd.
Ok ye? Stkt ni je dulu, ape2 lg,akn di update kmudian. Gud luck smua, utk 2hr lg exam ye. All da best..

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Jemputan Walimatul Urus
Assalamualaikum wbt,
Saya mewakili Muzani (rx5th) menjemput sahabat-sahabat ke kenduri perkahwinan beliau pada:
4 Jun 2011 (Sabtu) di
No. 4412-A, Kampung Jeram, Manir, 21200 Kuala Terengganu.
Jadi buat sahabat-sahabat yang ada kelapangan bolehlah hadir.
Datang jangan tak datang.
Memang banyak kenduri masa cuti ni=)
InsyaAllah akan menyusul lagi jemputan-jemputan kenduri.
Doa buat pengantin (buat sahabat-sahabat yang akan berkahwin masa cuti ni):
'Semoga Allah memberkatimu dan memberi keberkatan ke atasmu serta menghimpunkan kamu berdua dalam kebaikan'
Countdown to AGD - Pencarian 'Queen of The Night' dan 'King of the Night'
Tajuk :
Anugerah King & Queen of The Night
Objektif :
Menghargai usaha sesiapa yang bertungkus lumus menyiapkan baju untuk mngikut tema, dengan segala onak duri dan ranjau berliku =p
Maklumat Lanjut :
Tarikh : 17hb April 2011
Tempat : Hotel Swiss Garden
Masa : 8.00pm-11.30pm
Syarat2 penyertaan :
1.Warga negara Rx6th (Automatik layak!)
2. Queen of The Night = Perempuan sahaja
3. King of The Night = Lelaki sahaja
Cara pemilihan (Method of selection) :
1. Berpakaian mengikut tema - fairytale
2. Mengikut garisan Islam yang ditetapkan, layaknya bagai sorang graduan UIA (bagai muslim/muslimah hakikatnya) ^_^
3. Syarat no.2 lebih 'diberatkan' dari no.1.
4. Seorang pemenang akan dipilih dari senarai pendek 5 orang, untuk setiap kategori.
5. Top 5 disenarai pendek, mengikut pilihan komiti junior.
6. Pemenang dipilih mengikut pilihan pensyarah.
P/S :
Selamat bergembira semuanya ^_^
Tajuk :
Anugerah King & Queen of The Night
Objektif :
Menghargai usaha sesiapa yang bertungkus lumus menyiapkan baju untuk mngikut tema, dengan segala onak duri dan ranjau berliku =p
Maklumat Lanjut :
Tarikh : 17hb April 2011
Tempat : Hotel Swiss Garden
Masa : 8.00pm-11.30pm
Syarat2 penyertaan :
1.Warga negara Rx6th (Automatik layak!)
2. Queen of The Night = Perempuan sahaja
3. King of The Night = Lelaki sahaja
Cara pemilihan (Method of selection) :
1. Berpakaian mengikut tema - fairytale
2. Mengikut garisan Islam yang ditetapkan, layaknya bagai sorang graduan UIA (bagai muslim/muslimah hakikatnya) ^_^
3. Syarat no.2 lebih 'diberatkan' dari no.1.
4. Seorang pemenang akan dipilih dari senarai pendek 5 orang, untuk setiap kategori.
5. Top 5 disenarai pendek, mengikut pilihan komiti junior.
6. Pemenang dipilih mengikut pilihan pensyarah.
P/S :
Selamat bergembira semuanya ^_^
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