Monday, February 14, 2011


SaLam....reminder for us;
1) KUIZ CBL Digoxin & Theophylline (this WEDNESDAY 4 pm)

2) Submission report CBL Digoxin & Theophylline by FRIDAY (18/2)!

3) Submission report BUSINESS PLANNING -this FRIDAY (18/2)!juz inform by Mdm HAlimah today...
Mdm ask start to work on INVENTORY ASSIGNMENT ASAP.....Presentation & Submission report for inventory assignment be4 final exam...

4) HMR case summary presentation (5 min per grp) & 1 page hardcopy of case summary as requested by Mdm Rohani - 16/2 (This WEDnesday)

5) Lastly, class TN.SHAIK on this saturday(19th FEB) from 8.30 am-10.30 am & rest, then continue till class on 26th FeB (the next sAturday)

Sorry for the inconvenience... TQVM....

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