Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Overview of Week 5
Let’s recall together what we have learnt last week (week 5). Today is the beginning of the week 6 after a long Chinese New Year break (4days). Mid. semester is just around the corner, 10days left. Let’s together achieve the success. Kita yang berusaha, Dia yang tentukan, Allah Maha Adil.
Week 5
1.Design & Dosage Design – Encik Azman Jalil
2.Processing Liquids – Encik Azman Jalil
3. Drug Stability – Encik Azman Jalil
4.Drying – Dr. Mohamed
5.Sterilization – Dr. Mohamed
6.Bilirubin Metabolism & Jaundice – Dr. May
7.Respiratory Function – Prof. Noriah
8.Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (Practical) – Dr. Helal
9.Angina Pectoris – Prof. Tariq
10.Digestion of Protein, Carbohydrate & Lipid – Prof. Noriah
11.Renal Tubular Transport – Prof. Noriah
12.Omega-3 Fatty Acid – Dr. May
13.UV Spectrometry – Dr. Helal
14.Electrical Double Layer – Dr. Kausar
15.Granulation – Dr. Mohamed
16.Tablet Defect – Dr. Mohamed
17.Urine Concentration – Prof. Noriah
18.Phenolics – Dr. Retno
Still remember Prof. Tariq’s lecture? Do review on ECG/EKG & normal physiologyy of heart.
Report needed to submit this week :
1-o/w emulsion preparation
2-microscopy determination of medicinal plants
3-atomic absorption spectroscopy
3-anti-oxidant property (group 1 nutraceutical & cosmeticeutical only)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Laporan Hangat Dari IM 2
p/s- entri ini adalah gurauan semata-mata. All contributor are higly recommended to post at least one entry per month.
Tembusi Pasaran China
Beberapa produk farmaseutikal dan peralatan perubatan tempatan yang mempunyai sijil kelulusan Kementerian Kesihatan, akan memasuki pasaran China mulai tahun ini.
Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Liow Tiong Lai, berkata persetujuan itu dicapai baru-baru ini ketika lawatan beliau ke China bagi mencari peluang pelaburan dan kerjasama antara kedua-dua negara.
"Sehubungan itu, Malaysia dan China menubuhkan sekteriat khas untuk ................
"Semua produk farmaseutikal dari luar perlu melepasi ujian klinikal yang mengambil tempoh sangat lama berikutan undang-undang untuk mengimport ubat di negara itu sangat ketat bagi memastikan ia benar-benar selamat," katanya.
Read more: HERE
Monday, January 26, 2009
Report meresahkan? Bincang di sini..
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Pharmacy Board Guidelines
Guideline I:
How to register and work as a Provisionally Registered Pharmacist (0.03 MB)
Guideline II:
How to register and work as Fully Registerd Pharmacist (0.04 MB)
Guideline III:
How to apply for exemption from Provisional Registration and to register and work as Fully Registerd Pharmacist (0.04 MB)
Guideline IV:
a) How do foreign spouses (who are pharmacists) of Malaysians/ foreigners with working permits (0.03 MB) register as pharmacist in Malaysia
b) How do specific foreigners (who are pharmacists) register as pharmacists in Malaysia
Guideline V: How to obtain exemption from cumpulsory service (0.03 MB)
Guidelines on Approval and Recognition of A Pharmacy Programme
Table of Content
Document 1: Vision, Mission and Goals
Document 2: General Characteristics of Pharmacy Degree Programme: Curriculum Design and Delivery
Document 3: The Educational Programme
Document 4: student Selection and Support Services
Document 5: Teaching / Academic Staff
Document 6: Educational Resources
Document 7: Programme Monitoring and Review
Document 8: Leadership, Governance and Administration
Document 9: Total Continual Quality Improvement
Document 10: Self-Critique and Outcome Measures of the Pharmacy Programme
Tak rugi jika anda mengetahui maklumat berkaitan program farmasi di Malaysia. Klik HERE(Pharmacy.Gov.My) and read all the guidelines provided.
Reminder : Industrial Pharmacy Assignment
PHM2292 Industrial Pharmacy and Regulations
Year 2008/9
Please observe the following:
1,Students shall submit the assignment by Thursday 26-Feb-2009 15:00, to the attention of Dr. Kausar Ahmad.
2.This assignment is a component of the course assessment and is worth 10% of the total assessment for PHM2272. Heavy penalty for late submission.
3.Graphs, Tables and relevant illustrations may be included for clarity.
4.References must be indicated clearly using standard format of referencing.
5.Assignment must be typed using Times New Roman font, size 12, single-spaced with 20 mm margins. 6.Preferably print on both sides.
7.Please refer to Assignment Rubric as a guide to grading.
8.Please refer to the last section in Writing Reports as a guide to writing.
9.Please indicate number of words used in parentheses, after the last paragraph.
In approximately 1500 words, write a proposal to manufacture the best dosage form for any ONE of the herbs listed in Table 1 after considering their therapeutic values and most effective route for drug delivery.
Refer : HERE or download assigment