ade pape pertanyaan,bleh la jumpa dgn Dr Siti Zaiton
*tentang assignment, bleh refer sini
For the attachment, all students are divided into 4 big groups (A-D); then into subgroups.
Please view attached documents and please tell me ASAP ( if there’s any prob such (i.e.: your name not included, repeated twice, wrong spelling /matric num etc).
The grouping is fixed throughout the semester.
I’ll provide the ATTACHMENT MANUAL, insya Allah ASAP.
Wishing you a successful attachment.
Syahiera Farhana Zakaria
Pharmacy Practice Department
1. Quit Smoking Clinic List
2. CSCSP QSC-attachment Evaluation Form
4. Patient Record Form - Registry
5. Patient Record Form - KBM 1-04
6. Patient Record Form - Followup
7. Quit Smoking Flipchart to help you counsel your client - view photos / order
Reference : Here
Original post - IPhA Website
Wednesday 23rd December 2009 3.00 pm
Group | Facilitator | Venue |
1 | MHNM | Pharmacy Practice Department (date to re-confirm with facilitator) |
2 | ZAZ | PBL Room 2 |
3 | SZAK | PBL Room 3 |
4 | NAE | Alumni Room |
5 | NDJ | Pharmacy Practice Department |
6 | SFZ | Admin Meeting Room |
7 | ZMN | Lecture Hall Year 3 |
8 | QAE | Kulliyyah Meeting Room |
9 | CSMZ | Exam Hall 1 |
Sincere thanks for your co-operation!
Nurdiana Jamil
Course Co-ordinator
PHM 3281 - Problem Based Learning 1
Seperti yang kita semua maklum, minggu hadapan akan diadakan Sesi Fotografi bersama our renowned batch photographer, Amin Mansor + Shahir Amin. Gambar2 tu penting utk magazine IPhA sem ni. InsyaAllah hari Khamis.
Berikut adalah pilihan pakaian untuk brothers dan sisters.
Paling smart. Pakaian formal bertali leher dan berkasut hitam berkilat yang dipadankan dengan blazer. Tapi, susah nak cari pulak kan. Saje je cakap.
Sut ala2 ke hospital attachment. Berkemeja, tali leher dan seluar slack atau berwarna gelap serta kasut hitam. Sedikit sahaja effort diperlukan pada hari tersebut untuk kelihatan smart dan tiada yang lain mampu menandinginya.
Well, untuk mereka yang tidak sanggup berpakaian formal tetapi tetap mahu nampak seragam. Tak kisah apa yang disarungkan di dalam tapi bila dilapisi lab coat serba putih sudah mencukupi.
T-shirt sudeyy
Last choice. Malas elaborate.
Kalau kamu dapat duduk setempat dan berbincang untuk reach the consensus Colour of The Day untuk baju kurung kamu, itu lebih baik. Jangan ada yang tarik muka masam ok.
Terpulang apa yang kamu mahu lakukan terhadap tudung kamu. Fesyen yang sama atau warna yang sama? Kata kunci – Seragam
Tak kisah? Malas elaborate.
Brothers, bincanglah dengan Batch Leader manakala Sisters, bincanglah dengan Asst Batch Leader. Pesanan untuk semua, Jaga Nama Baik Batch luar dan dalam.
Minggu depan, hari sabtu....
Compulsory to all students. Mentor pun join sekali.
Datang la... Masih ingat time kita 1st yr organize pharmily day & shamel yg jd MC??? masih ingat kita mengharapkan senior2 kita semua dtg??
Sekarang ini kita dh jadi senior dan harapan kpd semua, datanglah.. insyaallah ada keberkatan disebalik kita meluangkan masa seharian itu.
Searching for fun and family-oriented weekend ???
December 19 2009.
Come and join our Family Day at Foyer KOP in the morning -Pantai Balok Kuantan for evening session !!!
It is a time to PLAY, a time to LAUGH, a time to LEARN a new skill, and a time to be TOGETHER.
The main objectives are CONNECTING ALL GENERATIONS TOGETHER & TO NURTURE YOUTH WITH LEADERSHIP QUALITIES FOR THE UMMAH !!! Join us for a day full of family fun including treasure hunt, tree planting with mentors, jumble word, bbq and much more !!!
See ya there !!!
1 | G4 | Anti-tuberculosis Regime in Pulmonary and Extra pulmonary TB |
2 | G2 | Antibiotics in Lower Respiratort Tract Infections |
3 | G10 | Anti-malarial Agents |
4 | G3 | Antibiotics in Urinary Tract Infections |
5 | G6 | Antibiotics in Bacterial Meningitis |
6 | G5 | Antibiotics in Bacterial Endocarditis |
7 | G1 | Antibiotics in Surgery |
8 | G9 | Chemotherapy in Reproductive Cancer |
9 | G8 | Anti-leukimic Agents |
10 | G7 | Antibiotics in Topical Preparation |